Iranian firms ready to help rebuild Turkey’s quake-hit cities: Official

An official with the Trade Promotion Organization of Iran (TPOI) said that Iranian companies are ready to reconstruct cities in Turkey destroyed by the recent devastating quakes, which claimed the lives of many people.
Addressing an Iran-Turkey Business Forum held in Tehran on Sunday, Director General of the Arabic and African Bureau of the TPOI Farzad Piltan said that bolstering amicable ties with the neighboring and regional countries is the main approach of the Iranian administration, Tasnim news agency reported.
Accordingly, senior Iranian officials have placed special emphasis on developing trade-economic cooperation with neighboring Turkey, he added.
The two countries have high potentials to promote bilateral ties in trade and economic fields, he said, adding, “Given that Turkey has a similar culture, economy and history with Iran, these potentials can be used optimally for the development of trade and economic relations.”
Elsewhere in his remarks, Piltan pointed to the restrictions and barriers facing the two countries in bilateral trade and emphasized that the barriers should be removed gradually in the field of preferential trade, and the launch of Iran’s Trade Center in Turkey would be helpful in this regard.
The Iran-Turkey Joint Chamber of Commerce is one of the most successful private sector entities, he said, and noted that the government has thrown its weight behind the private sector for further promotion of trade with Turkey.


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