Iran to build new nuclear plants: AEOI chief

Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Mohammad Eslami has said that the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant has been constructed with the cooperation of Russia, adding that new plants will be built in the future.
Eslami noted that AEOI is aiming to show the position and impacts of the nuclear energy in people’s lives, IRNA reported.
He added that achievements in health, medicine, food security and agriculture, industry, water and soil, and the environment have been showcased in the exhibition on Iran’s nuclear achievements in Tehran.
The official stressed that the achievements have been made in the time of sanctions.
Achieving complicated nuclear technologies in these difficult conditions has not been easy at all, he said, and that young Iranian scientists have made us independent of foreigners’ help.
The exhibition was held at the Imam Khomeini Hussainia on Sunday morning to showcase the achievements of Iranian scientists in the field of nuclear technology.


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