Iran to take part in 8th annual Istanbul Fellowship

The eighth edition of the International Istanbul Publishing Fellowship Program, which gathers professionals from around the world in Istanbul every year, is set to begin Tuesday with the presence of Iranian publishers, announced an Iranian publisher.
Reza Hajiabadi added that Iran’s participation will strengthen the status of Iranian publishers in international arena, IBNA wrote.
According to him, the display of Iran’s written culture in the international arena and showing the importance of copyright for domestic publishing, as well as the introduction of newly published books, are among Iran’s programs in the Turkish event.
The event is scheduled last until June 8 and will bring together 410 publishers from 66 countries to the Rami Library.
Organized by the Turkish Printing and Publishing Professional Association with support from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and Anadolu Agency as a global communication partner.
Under the auspices of the Governorship of Istanbul – Uzbekistan – known for its rich heritage and vibrant traditions, will take center stage at the festival.
The program will feature a series of special sessions on Uzbekistan, including music screenings, while Uzbekistan will participate as the country with the highest number of broadcasters at this year’s festival.
Distinguished experts will deliver speeches on various topics, including New Themes and Trends of Publishing in Türkiye, New Agendas in the World Publishing Market, How Latin American Literature Found Global Recognition and Publishing in Hard Times - The Journey of Refugee Publishers.
Additionally, the organizing committee aims to facilitate more than 2,500 one-on-one meetings during the program.
The program promises to be a landmark event that celebrates the vibrant diversity of the publishing world while providing a platform for forging significant partnerships.

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