Raeisi: Global, regional order changing in favor of Iran, Syria

Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi said the global and regional order is changing in favor of the independent nations of Iran and Syria.
President Raeisi made the remarks in a congratulatory message to his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad on the occasion of the Arab country’s Evacuation Day.
Evacuation Day is a national day commemorating the withdrawal of the last French soldier at the end of the French mandate of Syria in April 1946, after Syria’s proclamation of full independence in 1941.
The Iranian president said, “The global and regional order is changing in favor of our free and independent nations in the light of sincere cooperation and history-making resistance of the two countries”.
He also expressed hope that the expansion of relations between the two countries in various fields would serve the interests of both Tehran and Damascus and contribute to the establishment of peace and stability in the region.
In a meeting with Syria’s defense minister in Tehran in January, Raeisi described Iran as a true friend of Syria, promising that the Islamic Republic will stand by the Syrian people.
Relations between Iran and Syria are strategic, as their relations are based upon common beliefs and the spirit of resistance shown by their people, the Iranian president said.
Iran has been one of the main allies of Syria in a decade-long war against foreign-backed terrorists.
Tehran has also expressed its readiness to help Syrian officials to rebuild their country, which was destroyed by terrorists who were supported by Western countries and even some regional states.
Now, after more than a decade of enmity with Damascus and their failure to defeat the Syrian government, many regional countries have decided to restore ties with Damascus. Their decision would certainly benefit the whole region.


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