Diplomat: Iran-KSA embassies to reopen by May 9

Alireza Enayati, director-general for Persian Gulf Affairs of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, said that according to the agreement reached in Beijing on March 10, Iran and Saudi Arabia must reopen their embassies by May 9; however, both sides are actively engaged to accelerate the process.
In an interview with IRNA on Monday, Enayati said, “The issue [of reopening the embassies] took place within a month, the foreign ministers of the two countries met in Beijing [on April 6], and from that date, the official declaration of the resumption of diplomatic relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia began. After that the technical delegations met each other.”
He added that the Saudi delegation visited the embassy in Tehran and left for Mashhad on Friday to visit their diplomatic mission there.
“We have been told they will return to Riyadh and, subsequently, another delegation from Saudi Arabia will discuss how to reopen the embassy and consulate general of Saudi Arabia,” the diplomat said.
Enayati further stated that on the Iranian side, the same process has taken place. Last Wednesday, two delegations from the Islamic Republic of Iran left for Saudi Arabia.
“The head of our delegation, Mr. Zarnegar, met with the deputy foreign minister of Saudi Arabia for ceremonial affairs, which was a very good and constructive meeting, and excellent executive agreements were made in that meeting. Accordingly, we have started our activity in Saudi Arabia at the embassy and consulate general to prepare for the reopening,” he clarified.
According to the diplomat, Iran is doing its utmost to reopen the diplomatic missions in Saudi Arabia before the hajj pilgrimage to facilitate the process for Iranian pilgrims.
“Iran and Saudi Arabian foreign ministers will meet again, and we hope this meeting happens in the near future,” Enayati highlighted.
Elsewhere in the interview, the diplomat stressed that Tehran and Riyadh have not introduced their ambassadors yet, as the matter requires technical and executive procedures.
The cooperation between Iran and Saudi Arabia is a realization of a concept called a “united Persian Gulf,” and the fact that the eight Persian Gulf countries can play an effective and constructive role in the region in a united, identical form, the diplomat stated, expressing hope that with peace being achieved in Yemen, nine countries will be able to play an effective role together in the Persian Gulf region as one of the most important geopolitical regions of the world.
Sultan of Oman to visit Tehran
Elsewhere in the interview, the diplomat added that the Sultan of Oman will visit Tehran soon, saying, “This trip is definitely on the agenda. We are in contact with the authorities of the Sultanate of Oman to determine the exact time of this trip, which is in response to President Raeisi’s trip to Oman. This trip will definitely improve relations between Iran and Oman, as many memoranda of understanding were signed during President Raeisi’s visit, and the fields of cooperation were noted. We hope that this trip can be effective in emphasizing and implementing those fields of cooperation.”


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