News in Brief

Iran’s education minister resigns

Iran's President Ebrahim Raeisi has accepted the resignation of Yousef Nouri, Minister of Education, and appointed Reza Moradsahraei as the caretaker minister. President Ebrahim Raeisi on Monday accepted the resignation of Nouri and appointed Reza Moradsahraei as the caretaker of the ministry.  
Moradsahraei, 47, holds a Ph.D. in linguistics and serves as the dean of Farhangian University.  
Following the delay in the payment of the teachers’ salaries, the president ordered First Vice President Mohammad Mokhber to investigate into the case and deal with any probable malpractice.

Iraq PM hails Iran-Saudi rapprochement

Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’ Al-Sudani has described a March agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia to restore their diplomatic ties as an important deal that could help bring about stability to the region.
Al-Sudani said in an interview with the Arabic language Al Jazeera news channel that economic development in Middle East region would only be enhanced through cooperation between regional countries.
During the interview, the Iraqi premier said his country will not allow its territory to be used for any attack on neighboring countries, adding that the commitment is based on ethics and the terms of Iraq’s constitution.
However, Sudani described some anti-Iran terrorist groups in Iraq as parties opposed to Iran, adding that they have been present in Iraq as refugees for years.
Meanwhile, he said that the presence of those groups in Iraq as armed individuals or operating any military camp with the purpose of taking action action against Iran will not be tolerated.


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