Iran should negotiate ...

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Trump’s focus for securing American interests lies elsewhere, on issues that may not be as important to Iran. Therefore, new negotiations between Iran and the West should be tailored to these fresh circumstances. Global relations have changed since Iran signed the JCPOA in 2015. It might be necessary to go back to the drawing board and Iran should pursue its national interests based on global changes, and naturally, it needs to have some give and take.
The sanctions and the benefits of lifting them should be the crux of the negotiations. Iran wants to cash in on the benefits of lifting sanctions, such as the removal of sanctions on the banking system, oil sales and Iranian shipping companies, from the other side. It should demand the benefits of sanctions relief in the short term.
If Iranian foreign policy officials conduct negotiations in a way that preserves the country’s national interests, the world is ready to roll out these changes.
Tehran should get down to brass tacks with Washington to lift sanctions. The reality is that the sanctions Iran is grappling with are mainly imposed by the US, which are the most diverse and complex in their kind. Therefore, the main party in Iran’s negotiations should be the US.  
One of the significant changes on the global stage is that Europe’s role is fading. Although Iran is negotiating with Europe, the idea that Iran can seal a deal with the US through Europe is a pipe dream. Iran should engage with the US.
However, the Islamic Republic should also stand its ground. Iran’s foreign minister has recently made it clear that Iran is ready to return to its JCPOA commitments regarding enrichment and more, provided the West also pulls its weight under the nuclear deal. But Iran should bear in mind that negotiating with Europe will not lead to a complete lifting of sanctions.

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