Book chronicles five centuries of diplomatic ties between Iran, Turkey

A comprehensive book ‘Treaties of Iran and Turkey from Ottoman Era to Present (1555-2021),’ showcasing five centuries of diplomatic relations between Iran and Turkey through treaties and historical documents was published by the Turkish National Archives in Istanbul.
Ahmad Mohammadi, the Iranian Consulate General in Istanbul, met with officials from the Turkish National Archives and the Ottoman Archives Treasury on January 2. During the meeting, a copy of the book was gifted to the Iranian diplomat, IRNA wrote.
The book is a treasure trove, containing images of treaties and documents between the two countries over the past five centuries, accompanied by explanations in both Turkish and English. It offers a unique glimpse into the diplomatic history of Iran and Turkey.
During his meeting with Sebahattin Bayram, the Deputy Director of the Turkish National Archives in Istanbul, Mohammadi emphasized the importance of cooperation between the two countries in the field of archives and documentation, especially with the designation of 2025 as the year of cultural exchange between Iran and Turkey.
Bayram agreed, highlighting the extensive opportunities for collaboration between the two nations in the field of archives and documentation.
He welcomed the idea of exchanging expertise and visits between relevant delegations from both countries.
The publication of this book is not only of interest to historians and researchers but also to the general public. It showcases how these two nations have interacted over the centuries, and can serve as a symbol of the enduring friendship and cooperation between them.

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