Respect for Iran’s...

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In this context, if Mr. Trump aims to resolve issues through negotiations, Iran is equally prepared to step up to the plate and has the necessary capacity for direct talks. Therefore, all predictions about the success of negotiations hinge primarily on whether both parties are genuinely willing to engage in this process. The second and crucial condition that paves the way for negotiations is for the other side to respect Iran’s rights. It is impossible to overlook a country’s rights and expect fruitful negotiations in return. Thus, if the incoming Trump administration genuinely intends to resolve issues, it must acknowledge Iran’s legitimate rights in various fields.
The nuclear agreement, known as the JCPOA, is merely one of the bones of contention that both sides can negotiate. As Iran has repeatedly stated, the US and Western countries must recognize its undeniable right to peaceful nuclear technology. Accordingly, we will pursue not only our nuclear rights but also our other rights in various topics at the highest levels.
Fortunately, Iran’s Foreign Ministry, with its strong grasp of international conditions and global affairs, is well-equipped to advocate for the country’s rights. Regarding nuclear matters, both parties could prioritize the revival of the JCPOA or work toward a new nuclear agreement. The key point here is that the US must recognize Iran’s regional power and respect our rights as a significant country in the region. Iran, in turn, will strive to create the necessary conditions for a more favorable environment.

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