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Number Seven Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixteen - 07 December 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixteen - 07 December 2024 - Page 1

Push to oust Syria from Resistance Front

By Gholamreza Kahlaki
Middle East affairs expert

Analyzing developments in West Asia requires considering multiple facets of the issues at hand. In other words, it is essential to examine whether regional developments to date have been solely driven by the people or if the crises in the region are simply based on the views of internal opposition groups. The reality is that the West sees the Middle East as a key player in international developments, effectively making it the heart of global affairs. As a result, it has always had a special agenda for this region.
Looking at recent developments in the Middle East that have unfolded at a rapid pace, we notice a significant connection between these events and the actions of the Zionist regime of Israel in Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, and its conflicts with Yemen. After all, the Golan Heights remain the Achilles’ heel of the Zionist regime, which has always been concerned that Syria, in collaboration with the Resistance Front, might establish a strong foothold there or set up a missile defense system there.

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