Iran Air launches daily Tehran-Istanbul flights

Iran Air spokesman Hessam Qorbanali said the airline has established daily flights from Tehran to Istanbul and vice versa for passengers of European routes.
“With the aim of facilitating travel and reducing the European travelers’ concerns, we established daily flights from Tehran to Istanbul and vice versa, starting from October 15,” Qorbanali noted on Monday, reported IRNA.
The European Union (EU) imposed new sanctions against three Iranian airlines, namely Iran Air, Mahan Air, and Saha Airlines, due to baseless claims of Iran’s involvement in the Ukraine conflict by sending ballistic missiles to Russia.
With the imposition of sanctions by the European Union on Iran Air, considering the limited number of direct flights of foreign airlines to Iran, every European flight has become at least 30% more expensive for passengers as connecting flights must be made.
The EU claims that these sanctions are targeted to deter specific policies and activities of Iran, clarifying that it does not intend to disrupt air traffic or people-to-people communication between the EU and Iran in general.
The European Union has adopted restrictive measures against seven individuals and seven entities. Consequently, Behnam Shahriari, Ali Shadmani, Ali Jafarabadi, Mehdi Googerdchian, Hamzeh Qalandari, Reza Khosravi Moqaddam, and Mir-Ahmad Noushin have been sanctioned, along with Iran Air, Mahan Air, Saha Airlines, Basamad Electronic Pouya Company, Iran Alumina, Tayef Tadbir Aria, and Shahid Haj Ali Movahed Research Center.
Iran has vehemently denied claims of involvement in the Ukraine war as baseless and politically-motivated, saying the country has not sent ballistic missiles to Russia.
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