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Number Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Eight - 29 September 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Eight - 29 September 2024 - Page 1

Hezbollah will not be wiped out

By Qassem Moheb-Ali

Regional affairs expert

From the series of actions taken by Israel over the past year, particularly in the past couple of months, it could be predicted that the war-mongering prime minister of this regime Benjamin Netanyahu would also put the assassination of Hezbollah’s leader on his agenda. Assassination is an old Israeli policy, as many resistance leaders, including those from Hezbollah and Palestinian groups, have been taken out by Israeli operatives, from Sayyed Abbas al-Musawi, the former secretary-general of Hezbollah, to Ismail Haniyeh, the ex-head of Hamas’s political bureau, and the recent assassination of Hezbollah leaders, topped by Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.
It is not known what assessments Netanyahu is based on to order the assassination of Hezbollah’s leader, but what is clear is that he is trying to set the entire region ablaze. It seems as though he has tied his own fate to the outcome of this war, hence he has taken a huge risk, which has claimed the lives of over 41,000 people in the past year.

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