World Tourism Day:

Iran seeks to boost peace, stability through tourism

As the world marks World Tourism Day on September 27, Iranian officials are emphasizing the crucial role of security and cultural exchange in promoting peace and understanding through tourism.
This year’s theme, “Tourism and Peace,” was chosen by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) to highlight the industry’s potential to foster global peace and stability.
Awat Mokari, a tourism expert at the Kurdistan Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts, and Tourism Department, noted that the UNWTO selects a theme each year based on current global events. “This year’s theme is particularly relevant given the increasing tensions and conflicts around the world,” Mokari said.
Mokari stressed that security is the foundation of tourism, and that without it, the industry cannot develop. “When security increases, dialogue and peace also increase, and tourism can play a significant role in promoting peace and stability,” he added.
Rahim Khaki, Director General of Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts of Alborz Province, echoed Mokari’s sentiments, saying that tourism and peace are intricately linked. “The promotion of cultural understanding through tourism can be a new approach to diplomacy and a path to peace,” Khaki said.
Khaki acknowledged that the current global situation, particularly in the Middle East and Asia, makes the theme of “Tourism and Peace” challenging to achieve. However, he emphasized that tourism can still play an important role in promoting peace by increasing cultural exchange and understanding between nations.
In Iran’s Kurdestan Province, officials are highlighting the region’s growing tourism industry as a testament to the importance of security and peace.
Mokari pointed to the increasing number of tourism infrastructure projects, including hotels, resorts, and cultural festivals, as evidence of the province’s commitment to promoting peace and stability.
Similarly, in Alborz Province, officials are investing in tourism infrastructure, including hotels, resorts, and agritourism projects, which are expected to come online in the next few years.

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