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Number Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Five - 25 September 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Five - 25 September 2024 - Page 7

Pezeshkian urges promotion of multilateralism

Israeli war on Lebanon may spiral into regional conflict

Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian emphasized the necessity of interaction and dialogue between the world countries in order to reach a common point of view and promote multilateralism to resolve problems facing the world.
Iran’s foreign policy is based on de-escalation, constructive interaction with countries and the establishment of peace, stability and security, Pezeshkian told his Finnish counterpart, Alexander Stubb, during a meeting on the sidelines of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly in New York.
Pezeshkian also pointed to the UN’s important role in creating convergence among countries to ensure peace and prevent war and occupation across the world.
The Iranian president also held separate meetings with several other world’s leaders in New York.  

Tensions in West Asia
During his meeting with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, Pezeshkian expressed Iran’s «serious» worries over the expansion of tensions in West Asia.
Pezeshkian said that on the first day of his presidency, Israel assassinated Ismail Haniyeh, political leader of the Palestinian Hamas resistance group, in the Iranian capital, adding, however, that the Islamic Republic exercised patience to prevent the escalation of tensions.
The Israeli regime, he added, has killed more than 41,400 Palestinians in its genocidal war on the Gaza Strip and has now spread the aggression to Lebanon, where it has killed many others.
“We are very seriously concerned about the expansion of the conflict across the entire region,” he continued.
The Iranian chief executive also appreciated Guterres for his expression of sympathy over Saturday’s deadly coal mine explosion in the eastern Iranian city of Tabas.
He said the bitter incident is a result of the illegal sanctions against Iran that ban the import of mining equipment to the country.
Pezeshkian further emphasized that Iran is seeking to establish sustainable peace and security in West Asia with the help of neighboring governments, including those in the Persian Gulf region.

Cessation of Israel’s apartheid
Addressing a UN session dubbed “Strengthening the United Nations Goals,” Masoud Pezeshkian called for a cessation of the Israeli occupation and apartheid in Palestine and immediate implementation of a cease-fire in the Gaza Strip, where the regime has been waging a genocidal war for more than 11 months.
“In a world where civilians are being killed ruthlessly in Gaza, blind state terrorism sheds the blood of children and women, and genocide and assassination is being supported, [conclusion of] no document would serve to guarantee peace and development,” the president said.
Pezeshkian said Iran demanded elimination of weapons of mass destruction from the region without any preconditions.

Economic, social
“Iran demands a strong, united, safe, and stable region, where the resources of the regional countries are used for [bringing about] synergy towards [realization of] economic and social development and disposal of common problems,” he added.
Citing an instance of Iran’s contribution to regional stability, he mentioned the Islamic Republic’s having invariably served as a leading force in fighting terrorism, and said the country was prepared for cooperation with other countries, which were similarly after “real confrontation” with the evil phenomenon.

The president, meanwhile, addressed the issue of the unilateral sanctions that have been imposed on the Islamic Republic and some other countries on the part of the US and its allies.
“Unilateral sanctions stop realization of sustainable development goals,” he said, adding, “This fact has to be included in whatever document that is being prepared for the future.”
In his meeting with the President of European Council Charles Michel, Pezeshkian called the continuation of Israel’s crimes as the most serious concern of the world at the present time.
“Which international law has allowed a regime to bomb women, children and innocent and defenseless people in hospitals, schools and shelters?” Pezeshkian asked. “With what justification does the world watch these crimes and take no practical and effective measures to stop these crimes?”

No transfer of missiles to Russia
The Iranian president also rejected allegations by Western countries that it has supplied short-range missiles to Russia for use against Ukraine, saying that Iran is seeking to stop the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
During an exclusive interview with CNN on Tuesday, Pezeshkian called on the international community to stop Lebanon from becoming another Gaza.

Israel’s attacks on Lebanon
The Israeli regime’s intensified attacks on Lebanon, the president stated, carries the risk of dragging the entire region into conflict.
“We must not allow Lebanon to become another Gaza at the hands of Israel,” Pezeshkian told CNN›s Fareed Zakaria. “The events that are unfolding in Lebanon may turn into a regional conflict that could be dangerous for the future of the world.”
The Iranian president urged the UN Security Council to “take immediate action” against the “insane” Israeli escalation.
Global condemnations pour in after the Israeli regime’s recent offensive, which has resulted in the deaths of more than 550 people in Lebanon.
Pezeshkian said the Lebanese resistance movement is facing an entity armed to the teeth with access to advanced weaponry.
“Hezbollah cannot stand alone against an entity that is being defended and supported and supplied by Western countries, by European countries and the United States.”
During his meeting with Switzerland’s President Viola Amherd, the Iranian president expressed his satisfaction with the good relations between the two countries and appreciated the Nordic country’s medical aid to Iran under sanctions.

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