French Youality festival honors Iranian cinema

Iranian films won a certificate of honor and two special screenings at the fourth Youality Film Festival in France.
The festival, which featured over 400 films, concluded with several Iranian films being recognized by the jury, IRNA reported.
In the special screening section, two Iranian films, ‘Nakojabad’ directed by Fatima Abahamzeh and produced by Bijan Lahooti, and ‘From Herat to Tehran’ directed by Hamed Yousefi and written and produced by Fatima Abahamzeh, received jury and audience recognition.
In the official selection section, Iranian films ‘The Voice of Dogs’ directed by Mohammad Reza Nazi, ‘The Last Child’ directed by Serna Amini, ‘On the Eve of the Cold Season’ directed by Alireza Shakari, and ‘Venomous’ directed by Gholamreza Mollaahmadi, were among the recognized films.
The Youality Film Festival, which focuses on “film-poetry” as one of its main awards, aims to support poetic cinema filmmakers around the world.
The winners of the festival, from France and Turkey, included short film ‘Aspiration’ by Stéphane Mandelkern, short film ‘Anyway’ by Nicolas Maurin, animated short film ‘Shift’ by Ellyn Clara Jarry, short film ‘Madak’ by Sedat Benek, ‘Smile at Me’ by Keyvan Azad, received a certificate of honor in the final section of the festival.
Kamran Rasoulzadeh, the festival’s secretary, announced plans to hold the fifth edition of the festival in 2025 in the city of Cannes.
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