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Number Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Four - 24 September 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Four - 24 September 2024 - Page 1

Time to teach Israel a lesson

By Syed Ali

Iran Daily’s correspondent
in Pakistan

On Sunday morning, Lebanon’s resistance movement, Hezbollah, attacked Israeli-occupied cities and paralyzed Tel Aviv’s military power. For the first time, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu admitted in an address to Israeli citizens that Hezbollah had inflicted serious damage on the occupying forces across various fronts with organized and ideological strength. While Netanyahu did not detail the losses Israel suffered, it is clear that Hezbollah and other resistance forces have been targeting Israel’s military, economic, and banking sectors since October 7, crippling the occupying regime. This is why Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has shortened the timeline for Israel’s demise—a sentiment echoed by Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.
The Lebanese resistance movement has turned northern Israeli-occupied cities into “no-go” areas, forcing approximately 60,000 Jewish settlers to become a financial burden on the Israeli regime. The right-wing Israeli cabinet hopes to secure concessions from Hezbollah, without agreeing to a ceasefire in Gaza, in order to resettle Jewish settlers in the north—a highly unlikely scenario.

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