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Number Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Three - 23 September 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Three - 23 September 2024 - Page 8

A podium to ...

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Mediation efforts and diplomatic attempts to broker a cease-fire have so far been in vain. Widespread public protests in Western countries, particularly in the United States, against Israeli genocide have had little impact on Western politicians, who have either remained silent or supported Israel politically and militarily.
On the other hand, Muslim countries have lacked the will or ability to take independent initiatives to support the Palestinians and prevent Israel’s daily aggression. The result of such global paralysis, Western support for Israel, and the inaction of the Islamic world has been the emboldening of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamim Netanyahu and his hardline cabinet to continue their crimes and slaughter of the Palestinian
Despite this, the General Assembly can still provide a new opportunity for political and diplomatic negotiations, as well as cooperation among Islamic countries and the articulation of protest stances against Israel and its supporters. Delegations from countries supporting Palestine and opposing Israel can brainstorm ideas and proposals that amplify the voice of Palestinian suffering and simultaneously challenge Israel’s criminal nature. One expected and predictable proposal is to walk out of the assembly hall during the Israeli prime minister’s speech. Engaging in challenging interviews with mainstream media outlets and highlighting the impact of Western governments’ political and military support for Israel are other notable ideas.
At the forefront of these diverse ideas is the speech of Islamic country leaders from the UN podium, explaining the plight of the Palestinian people and the regional and global consequences of this devastating war. Islamic countries and leaders supporting Palestine must not let this valuable opportunity slip away and allow Netanyahu and his supporters to dominate the UN by their silence and

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