EU trying to keep up diplomacy with JCPOA parties

The European Union is actively engaging with Iran, the US, and other parties to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) to keep diplomatic channels open and explore opportunities for resuming meaningful nuclear talks, said Peter Stano, European Commission spokesperson, in an interview with TurkicWorld.
Stano emphasized the EU’s role as the JCPOA coordinator under UN Security Council Resolution 2231, stressing the importance of diplomacy in addressing the issue of Iran’s nuclear program.
He highlighted the EU’s deep reliance on the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as the sole international body responsible for monitoring Iran’s nuclear activities. However, recent reports from the IAEA have raised serious concerns about Iran’s nuclear trajectory and its alleged lack of cooperation with the agency, the spokesperson noted.
Tehran began to scale back its commitments to the JCPOA in a series of pre-announced steps after the US’ withdrawal form the agreement in 2018 and other parties’ failure to fulfill their obligations. 
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