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Number Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Forty Nine - 17 September 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Forty Nine - 17 September 2024 - Page 1

Pezeshkian’s message ahead of New York visit

By Ebrahim Beheshti

Staff writer

Iranian President Massoud Pezeshkian outlined his government’s stance on the most pressing domestic and foreign issues during his first press conference yesterday. The conference was held on the eve of the president’s trip to New York to attend the United Nations General Assembly. The General Assembly has always been an opportunity for the world leaders to expound on their views and engage in intense diplomatic negotiations with representatives of various countries.
Pezeshkian’s announcement of his government’s foreign policy positions and responses to key questions from journalists, which spanned a range of critical issues including engagement with the West, US negotiations, allegations of missile transfers to Russia and Yemen, the Gaza conflict, and relations with neighboring countries, China, and Russia, was noteworthy as it provided countries engaging with Iran on the sidelines of the General Assembly with a clearer understanding of the president’s and his government’s stances.
The president once again highlighted his main foreign policy program, emphasizing the need to develop cooperation and strengthen relations with neighbors, and stressed the continuation of good relations with China and Russia. In response to allegations of sending missiles to Russia and Yemen, he denied these claims while defending the country’s defense capabilities and the need to strengthen them. Regarding the nuclear issue and the sanctions imposed on Iran, he emphasized that Iran has never sought to manufacture nuclear weapons. Iran has adhered to its JCPOA commitments, and it was the Western side that withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and failed to uphold its obligations.

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