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Number Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Forty Three - 09 September 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Forty Three - 09 September 2024 - Page 1

Iraq willing to mediate between Iran, US

By Mohammad Ali Sobhani

Former Iranian diplomat

Iran’s President Masoud Pezeshkian is set to make his first foreign trip to neighboring Iraq on Wednesday.  This trip was initially in the cards for the late president Ebrahim Raisi, but his unfortunate death put the plan on hold. Now, Iraqis are awaiting the new Iranian president’s visit to Baghdad.
While Pezeshkian has cited his personal interest in visiting the shrine of Imam Ali (the first Imam of Shia Muslims) as one of the reasons for the trip in an interview, it is quite natural that the visit will not be limited to such personal aspects, and bilateral discussions between Pezeshkian and Iraqi officials will undoubtedly take place.
Iran and Iraq share profound economic, political, and cultural ties and extensive cooperation in various fields. Pezeshkian, during his trip to Iraq, is expected to discuss the progress of projects, deals and agreements between the two countries, as well as the expansion of bilateral cooperation.

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