Iranian ‘The Runner’ wins Best Actor Award in Russian festival

Mardin Sheikh Moradi, the young star of the Iranian short film ‘The Runner,’ has taken home the Best Actor Award at the 19th Within the Family International Festival of Family and Children’s Films in Russia.
The festival, which focuses on films that promote love, loyalty, and family values, is one of the largest of its kind in Russia.
‘The Runner,’ produced and directed by Seyyed Payam Hosseini, tells the story of a teenage boy named Hakim, who lives in one of Iran’s marginalized neighborhoods. Hakim’s father engages in betting on running races, and the film follows the family as they navigate the challenges that arise when the rules of the game change unexpectedly.
The film was selected to compete in the short film category at the 19th edition of the festival, alongside 75 other films from 39 countries. ‘The Runner’ has also made its mark on the international festival circuit, screening at the 62nd Zlin International Film Festival for Children and Youth and the 52nd Giffoni Film Festival in Italy.
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