Pezeshkian talks with visiting world figures on int’l affairs

Iran’s new President Masoud Pezeshkian engaged in diplomatic discussions on regional and international developments as well as comprehensive relations with various foreign delegations on the sidelines of his swearing-in ceremony in Tehran on
More than 70 foreign representatives, including senior officials and secretary generals of regional and international bodies, traveled to Tehran to attend the ceremony.
Presidents, vice-presidents, deputy ministers, parliament speakers and ambassadors partook in the ceremony where Pezeshkian was sworn in as Iran’s chief executive in Parliament.

Commonality with Tajikistan
In the meeting with his Tajik counterpart, Emomali Rahmon, Pezeshkian stated that, “We must strive to diminish political borders while enhancing cooperation and relations,” adding that language is a significant commonality shared by Iran and Tajikistan and “I hope that by relying on this commonality, we can enhance mutual cooperation in various fields.
During a meeting with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, the Iranian president said Iran considers connecting routes, including the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC), as an opportunity for the development and progress of all countries in the region, adding that the completion of projects in this sector will be one of the new administration’s priorities.
In a meeting with visiting Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze, Pezeshkian emphasized that the new Iranian government prioritizes the consolidation of ties with neighboring countries, adding that Iran like Georgia is determined to employ the potential to expand bilateral ties in line with the well-being and development of the two nations.

Regional union
Pezeshkian also met with Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ashimbayev Maulen Sagathanuly.
He said bilateral relations are based on historical interactions and cultural commonalities.
“Even today, political borders have not limited the cultural and historical connections of the two countries, stressing that establishing a regional union will lead to a point that cooperation between countries be more prominent,” he added. Ashimbayev, for his part, stressed that Kazakhstan considers the Islamic Republic as a “strategic partner.”

Unity among Muslims
Meanwhile, in a meeting with the visiting Malaysian Parliament speaker Johari Abdul, Pezeshkian vowed to strengthen the friendly relations with Kuala Lumpur.
He also stressed the need for further unity among Muslim countries in order to prevent the crimes of the Israeli regime, while appreciating Malaysia’s positions on Palestine.
In a meeting with Chairman of Uzbekistan’s Legislative Chamber Nuriddinjon Ismailov, Pezeshkian said the numerous agreements between Iran and Uzbekistan signify the deepening and growing of bilateral relations.
He emphasized that strengthening parliamentary relations between the two sides serves as a solid foundation for accelerating government efforts to enhance bilateral ties. He called for greater involvement of the legislative bodies of both countries in this regard. Ismailov highlighted the various sectors for collaboration, particularly in trade, transportation, transit, and logistics as suitable areas for developing cooperation between the two nations. He noted that currently more than 300 joint companies are active in the commercial and economic sectors of both countries, and Uzbekistan is interested in increasing the volume of trade with Iran to twice its current amount in the new era.
Economic ties with
During a meeting with Rashid Mardov, the deputy prime minister and minister of foreign affairs of Turkmenistan, Pezeshkian emphasized that the relations between the two countries have a long history and are based on shared cultural and civilizational ties. He also urged greater efforts to enhance economic and trade interactions between the two nations.
Pezeshkian, in his meeting with Bakyt Torobayev, the deputy prime minister of Kyrgyzstan, stated that strengthening relations with Kyrgyzstan through a commercial cooperation agreement would yield positive outcomes for both nations. Kyrgyzstan’s deputy prime minister, for his part, said that relations with Iran provide a solid backing for his country in international interactions.

Stronger bonds among
independent countries
In a meeting with Cuba’s Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz on Monday Pezeshkian said the expansion of relations among independent and freedom-seeking countries such as Iran and Cuba can play an effective role in the fight against unilateralism.
He denounced Israel’s crimes against the defenseless people of Palestine in Gaza and inaction of the so-called human rights defenders on the regime’s criminal acts.
In a meeting with Syrian Prime Minister Hussein Arnous in Tehran, Pezeshkian said his administration will take necessary measures to speed up the implementation of the agreements with the Arab country.
In a meeting with South Africa’s Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Ronald Ozzy Lamola, Iran’s new president also called for strengthening cooperation with South Africa in bilateral and international circles, including the BRICS group of emerging economies. Lamola said his country will continue to cooperate with Iran with the purpose of restoring the Palestinian people’s rights, establishing lasting ceasefire and delivering humanitarian aid to the war-inflicted civilians.

Resistance reassured
of consistent support
Meeting separately with Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the political bureau of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas, Ziad Nakhala, the secretary general of the Gaza Strip-based Islamic Jihad movement, and Sheikh Naim Qassem, deputy secretary general of the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah, Pezeshkian reassured senior resistance leaders of the Islamic Republic’s policy of providing the Axis of Resistance in the region with consistent support.
At a meeting with spokesman for Yemen’s Ansarullah resistance movement, Mohamed Abdel-Salam, Pezeshkian has hailed the anti-Israel operations carried out by the Yemeni forces in support of Palestinians in the war-torn Gaza, calling for cooperation among Islamic nations to put an end to the oppression of

UN chief: Iran can resolve
regional crises
Meanwhile, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres congratulated Pezeshkian on his victory in Iran’s presidential election, expressing the world body’s readiness to promote cooperation with the new Iranian administration.
In a message addressed to Pezeshkian, Guterres acknowledged that he is counting on him to help promote the values ​​and ideals enshrined in the UN Charter.
He called for Iran’s important and influential role in Middle East to be used in order to help resolve regional crises and prevent the outbreak of new conflicts that could threaten the region and

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