Iran prepares for 15% increase in Arbaeen pilgrims

Iranian officials are gearing up for a busy Arbaeen season as millions of pilgrims are expected to travel to Iraq for the annual commemoration.
The Ministry of Roads and Urban Development predicts a 15% increase in the number of pilgrims this year, amounting to over 4.6 million people traveling through six land borders and by air, IRNA reported.
In a meeting of the Arbaeen Headquarters of the Ministry, attended by the Minister of Roads and Urban Development and security officials, preparations were discussed to facilitate the travel of pilgrims. Three key tasks have been assigned to the ministry, including preparing passenger terminals, ensuring road safety, and providing efficient transportation.
To accommodate the expected increase in travelers, measures such as installing shades and mist-sprayers at terminals and improving road markings and signage are being implemented. Authorities are also ensuring sufficient transportation options, including inter-city buses, taxis, and ride-sharing services.
The aviation sector is also preparing for the surge in demand, with additional flights scheduled to and from Najaf and Baghdad. Moreover, domestic flights to border cities will be increased, providing more options for pilgrims. Extra trains are also planned to cater to the travel needs of the pilgrims.
Officials recommend that pilgrims manage their travel time efficiently and consider using private vehicles as well. They also advise purchasing round-trip tickets for trains, buses, and planes to avoid any inconveniences on the return journey. To address potential delays, an eight-hour grace period has been implemented for bus tickets, ensuring pilgrims can still use their tickets despite any unforeseen delays.
Negotiations are also underway with two foreign companies to provide direct bus services from Tehran to Najaf or Karbala, with 400 buses already allocated. In addition, sea travel between Khorramshahr and Basra is being facilitated, with two ships allocated, pending the readiness of the Basra terminal by the Iraqi side.
The Iranian government is leaving no stone unturned to ensure a smooth and safe journey for the pilgrims, implementing comprehensive measures to cater to the expected increase in Arbaeen travelers.
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