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Number Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Fourteen - 29 July 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Fourteen - 29 July 2024 - Page 7

Leader endorses Pezeshkian as Iran’s 9th president

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei formally endorsed Masoud Pezeshkian as Iran’s 9th president at a ceremony held in Tehran on Sunday.
The Leader’s decree, endorsing the mandate of President Pezeshkian, was read out at the event by the head of the leader’s office.
In the decree, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “The fate-determining test of the presidential election ended with calmness and sobriety in difficult conditions thanks to the endeavors of people and officials, and the person chosen by the nation became ready to take on a great responsibility.”
He also described the 14th presidential vote, which was held after late president Ebrahim Raisi’s unfinished term of office, as “one of the honors of the Iranian nation and a sign of the establishment of a sustainable Islamic system that indicate the rationality and sobriety of the country’s political environment.”
The Leader also expressed prayers and wishes for Pezeshkian’s success, adding that the nation’s vote and his endorsement will persist as long as the president follows his usual approach on the straight path of Islam and the Revolution.
Pezeshkian won the second round of the presidential election which was held on July 5. The 69-year-old trained heart surgeon garnered more than 16 million votes against ex-nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili, who secured upwards of 13 million out of over 30 million votes cast, with the voter turnout standing at almost 50 percent.
The election was called early after Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi lost his life in a helicopter crash in May.
Pezeshkian will take the oath of office in parliament on Tuesday.
Delivering a speech at the event, the Leader said Iran’s “democracy is mixed with competition and healthiness.”
“This democracy that exists today in our country was not obtained cheaply and easily, it is the result of people’s uprising against a chaotic and disastrous situation that prevailed in the past,” he emphasized.
Ayatollah Khamenei further said that the Islamic Republic has in the past more than 40 years witnessed dozens of elections that were held in a healthy and competitive atmosphere with the motivated presence of the people.
Economic issues
Ayatollah Khamenei also asserted that economic issues are a priority today, stressing, “A calculated, strong and persistent economic mobility is required.”
“Of course, in the previous government, valuable work was done, which should continue.”
The leader urged officials to do whatever that is within their power on the international level while protecting the nation’s dignity, however, he advised them not to ignore “capabilities and initiatives inside the country.” He further called for the country to adopt an “active and effective” approach in the face of global issues, especially regional ones.
The Islamic Republic has priorities in its foreign relations, one of which is its neighbors, he pointed out.
“We have no intention to oppose some European countries. The reason I didn’t mention European countries as a priority is that they have not treated us well for many years,” he added.
“If they don’t have this bad attitude, then (ties with Europe) would be one of our priorities.”
On the campaign trail, Pezeshkian had pledged to try to revive a 2015 nuclear deal with the United States and other world powers.
The deal collapsed in 2018 after Washington withdrew from it.
Pezeshkian has in a recent article called for “constructive relations” with European countries, even though he accused them of reneging on commitments to mitigate the impact of US sanctions.

Justice for people
In his Sunday speech, President Pezeshkian pledged to pursue no path other than that of justice.
He said that “returning dignity and honor to the country is only possible through unity, and sticking to the law.”
“We must join hands to address problems, needs, and concerns of the beloved people of our country,” he added. “A society that is convergent and law-oriented can see the strengthening of its administration and society.” Following the event, acting President Mohammad Mokhber handed over official responsibilities to Pezeshkian

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