Russia’s 2nd biggest bank to partake in Iran’s Finex 2024

Russia’s VTB Bank will participate in the 14th International Exhibition of Exchange, Bank & Insurance (Iran Finex 2024), according to the secretary of the policy-making council of the exhibition. Saleh Sepasdar said on Saturday that VTB – the second biggest bank of Russia – has assets amounting to $290 billion.
Noting that VTB is the first Russian bank to participate in the event, he said that this presence is “meaningful and important,” IRNA reported.
This bank has developed its brokerage relations with the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) and other Iranian banks over the past months and is now ready to perform banking operations and services, he said. With four branches outside Russia, VTB Bank seeks to offer services in the CIS countries, Africa, Latin America and Asia, he added.
The 14th edition of Iran Finex is due to be held on August 9-12.
Meanwhile, to expedite the integration of the two countries’ payment systems, Moscow anticipates that Mir cards will soon be operational in Iranian territory, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko stated last week. The integration of the national payment systems is being discussed within a specialized mechanism of the bilateral intergovernmental commission on trade and economic cooperation, as well as through regular contacts between central bank heads, according to Rudenko.
“We expect to resolve all issues in this area in the near future,” Rudenko said, when asked about the timeline for Mir cards in Iran, TASS reported.
In April 2024, the Iranian Foreign Ministry announced that the project to accept Mir cards in the Islamic Republic had entered into the implementation phase.
In May 2022, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak announced that the countries were negotiating the connection of their national payment systems. Mir cards are accepted in 12 countries, although in eight of them, their operation is limited. Besides Russia, Mir cards are accepted without restrictions in Abkhazia, Belarus, Cuba, and South Ossetia. Countries planning to introduce the Russian card include Egypt, Mauritius, and Myanmar, with another six countries being prepared to engage in dialogue regarding its introduction, the report
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