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Number Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Twelve - 25 July 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Twelve - 25 July 2024 - Page 7

News in Brief

Iran rebukes UN report on 'extra-judicial' executions
in 1980s

The spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry roundly dismissed the last report by the outgoing UN special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the country as part of attempts by enemies to tarnish the image of the Islamic Republic.
In a statement on Wednesday, Nasser Kanaani said Javaid Rehman, the outgoing UN rapporteur, who has been misappropriating his position to serve the terrorist Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO), has pursued the policies of the terror group in the final days of his tenure.
Kanaani underlined that the allegations raised by Rehman lack credibility and are totally rejected.
In his last report on Iran dated July 17, Rehman called for a probe into unsubstantiated claims that Iran had committed “summary, arbitrary and extra-judicial executions” in the 1980s.


Iran arrests 20 terrorists, including two Daesh ringleaders

The Iranian security forces have arrested 20 foreign terrorists, including two ringleaders of Daesh terrorist group, Intelligence Minister Esmaeil Khatib said.
Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a cabinet meeting on Wednesday, Khatib said his forces have captured the 20 terrorists in 12 separate operations in recent weeks, Tasnim News Agency reported.
Most of the arrestees had illegally crossed the border, the minister said.
He noted that 12 of the 20 people arrested in Iran had infiltrated into the country to carry out terrorist operations.
Khatib added that two of the arrestees were the ringleaders and the Daesh and Takfiri groups who were affiliated with the countries that are not even neighbors of Iran.

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