China-Iran, Iran-China container trains relaunched

China-Iran and Iran-China container trains were relaunched in the Aprin Dry Port, located in Islamshahr, southwestern Tehran on Sunday.
The formal ceremony was attended by Head of the Islamic Republic of Iran Railways (RAI) Mi’ad Salehi, the Deputy Ambassador of China, the Ambassador of Kazakhstan, and the Chargé d’Affaires of Turkmenistan, IRNA reported.
Salehi described Iran as a fast and safe way to transport consignments from China to the European Union. During the inauguration ceremony, the first phase of the China-Iran-Europe railway corridor was put into operation.
The container trains will travel via friendly and neighboring countries of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, bound for China, said Salehi.
The Chinese container train headed to Iran around 10 days ago, the RAI chief said, adding that the trains will be exchanged at the Incheh Boroun Border Terminal.
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