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Number Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Nine - 22 July 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Nine - 22 July 2024 - Page 1

Pension harmonization plan and ensuing challenges

By Javad Nabovati

Economic affairs expert

Harmonizing retirees’ pensions is recognized as one of the most significant challenges for Iran’s social security system. With rising living costs and economic inequalities, there is a pressing need to ensure adequate livelihoods for retirees. The primary objective of this plan is to standardize the pensions of government, military, and social security retirees, which can be seen as an effective step towards achieving social justice and improving the living standards of this important stratum of society.
In the current economic conditions, pension harmonization has become an undeniable necessity. Retirees, as a vital part of the community, not only require adequate livelihoods but also have a substantial economic impact on society as a whole. With increasing living costs and inflation, neglecting retirees’ pensions could lead to social and economic unrest. For example, the inability to meet basic needs could result in growing dissatisfaction and potentially trigger social crises. Therefore, harmonizing pensions benefits not only the retirees but the entire society.
The rise in living costs, especially in recent years, has intensified the need to adjust retirees’ pensions. Prices of goods and services are continually increasing, placing excruciating pressure on retirees. Pensions need to be regulated so that retirees can live with peace of mind. Proposed measures include meticulous planning to set pensions according to inflation rates and rising costs, establishing support and insurance systems to meet healthcare and livelihood needs, and encouraging retirees to engage in economic and social activities to enhance their living standards. By implementing such measures, the government can help retirees endure economic pressures and enjoy a better quality of life, contributing to a healthier and more stable society.
The pension harmonization plan aims to improve the economic and living conditions of the elderly stratum of society. It encompasses all retirees, including government, military, and social security retirees.


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