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Number Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Eight - 21 July 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Eight - 21 July 2024 - Page 7

A shot that ...

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In the days since the shooting, the Secret Service has come under scrutiny for its response to the assassination attempt and the agency’s director, Kimberly Cheatle, has been subpoenaed to testify before Congress.
US law enforcement officials investigating the assassination attempt on Trump said 20 minutes passed between the time Secret Service snipers first spotted the gunman on a rooftop and the time shots were fired at Trump.
Officials said the snipers had spotted the suspect, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, on the roof of a building outside the security zone at the rally in Pennsylvania and had also been alarmed by the residents about the presence of the rifle-wielding assassin in the area “but the calls were not heeded.” The motive for the assassination attempt remains a mystery as Crooks was shot at the scene but the ostentatious show made a splash by hitting the headlines and helping Trump’s approval rate soar.
Polls conducted for The Telegraph show that most Americans in the swing states now consider Trump a president-in-waiting, raising concern among Democrats who believe that Biden’s campaign has already hit a snag.
For the first time since the presidential race began and right after the assassination, a majority of 53 per cent in a combined poll across Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina and Pennsylvania think that Trump will emerge victorious from the presidential race in November.
This is while the incumbent president had defeated Trump in all the five states by a narrow margin in the 2020 vote.

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