Multilateralism sole way to establish safe, just world: Iran at UNSC

Iran’s Acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani said multilateralism is the only way to establish a safe and just environment where all nations can enjoy sustainable peace and thrive.
Addressing a high-level ministerial meeting of the UN Security Council on “multilateral cooperation in the interest of a more just, democratic and sustainable world order”, in New York on Tuesday, Bagheri Kani added that Tehran welcomes initiatives to further promote respect for international law.
“Multilateralism is key in this regard,” he underlined.
“As Secretary General has underlined, global challenges could be solved only through respect for international law, adherence to global commitments and the adoption of appropriate frameworks of multilateral governance,” Bagheri Kani said.
The Iranian official said that effective multilateralism is essential for ensuring international peace and security, noting that as a founding member of the United Nations, Iran reaffirms its commitment to effective multilateralism, grounded in international law and the principles of the United Nations Charter.
Bagheri Kani said that Iran has consistently demonstrated its commitment to multilateralism, citing its constructive contribution to the conclusion of the 2015 nuclear agreement with world’s powers.
“This successful multilateral initiative addressed an unwarranted crisis and unfounded concern from the West regarding Iran’s peaceful nuclear program, aiming to lift the illegal and unjust sanctions imposed on the Iranian nation. However, this multilateral process encountered a significant challenge due to the unilateral actions of the United States and its allies. The US unilateral and unlawful withdrawal from the agreement exemplified unilateralism in the international arena, causing harm to all parties involved,” Iran’s acting foreign minister said.
Bagheri Kani said Iran’s good neighborliness policy also highlights the importance of multilateralism in resolving common concerns and challenges.
“In this context, Iran pursues regional dialogue and cooperation to create an environment where resources can be devoted to the progress and development of the region for the benefit of all,” he said.
The top Iranian diplomat emphasized the approach and foreign policy of Iran’s elected president, which focuses on strengthening multilateralism in accordance with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and international law.
Bagheri Kani said that President-elect Masoud Pezeshkian has recently outlined his primary foreign policy strategy, which seek to open new horizons and foster friendly relations with other nations based on dialogue, cooperation, equality, and mutual respect.
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