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Number Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Four - 14 July 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Four - 14 July 2024 - Page 3

Mourning traditions for the martyrdom of Imam Hussein in Meyami

The traditional rituals of the lunar months of Muharram and Safar in the city of Meyami, located in Semnan Province, are annually celebrated with grandeur, drawing a large number of mourners of Imam Hussein (PBUH), the third Imam of Shia Muslims.
These ceremonies include traditional processions, the carrying of religious banners, the preparation and distribution of aash (a type of Persian soup), and more, wrote.
According to the elders of Meyami, these inherited ceremonies, observed for over 200 years during the months of Muharram and Safar, are a testament to the ancient and authentic mourning commemorating the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (PBUH).
The Azam Husseinieh of Meyami was established by Mohammad Taqi Khan Sarhang around two centuries ago, and the mourning ceremonies for Imam Hussein (PBUH) have been a longstanding tradition since its  establishment.
Service at the Azam Husseinieh in Meyami is hereditary, passed down from father to son. Each individual is assigned a specific role, such as shoekeeping, water supply, teahouse management, and kitchen duties. Due to the large gatherings and high workload during the mourning processions at the Azam Husseinieh, some servants are unable to participate in mourning activities throughout the day. At the conclusion of the ceremony, everyone gathers inside the building to conduct a ceremony named Hassan and Hussein. Presently, in addition to the designated servants, the general public also partake in these ceremonies.
Religious groups and chest beaters, particularly youth and adolescents, proceed towards the Azam Husseinieh after attending mourning ceremonies in mosques to engage in the rituals of Hassan and Hussein. Upon reaching the location, they form circles with great fervor.
During this traditional ceremony, each individual holds the waist of the person next to them with their left hand and beats their chest with their right hand. A person positioned in the center of the circle, in harmony with the chest beaters, alternates saying “Hassan” with the first step, to which the chest beaters respond with “Hussein” on the second step.
The number of circles in the mourning ceremony of Hassan and Hussein varies based on the number of participants, occasionally forming more than 10 circles, showcasing their reverence for Imam Hussein (PBUH) and his companions.
Within these ceremonies, certain mourners, adorned in special attire often in green, participate, adding beauty and a sense of special splendor to this religious tradition. The mourning ceremony of Hassan and Hussein in Meyami is nationally recognized, drawing numerous enthusiasts from different regions of the country to witness the execution of this beautiful ceremony during these months.

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