De-dollarization to lift US pressure off economies: Speaker

Iran-Russia cooperation to expand further: Putin

Iran’s Parliament Speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf stressed that de-dollarization will lift the US pressure off emerging economies.
Addressing the 10th BRICS Parliamentary Forum in the Russian city of St. Petersburg, Qalibaf noted the national currencies swap agreement recently finalized by Tehran and Moscow has become an example of effective cooperation on the path to de-dollarization. “The recent financial agreement between Iran and Russia is a successful example of cooperation between the two countries in the field of de-dollarization,” Tass news agency quotes Qalibaf as saying.
Last week, Mohammadreza Farzin, Central Bank of Iran (CBI) Governor, announced that the swap agreement that enables Iran and Russia to trade in local currencies was finalized.
“The parliaments of the BRICS member states should make every effort to deepen cooperation in creating routes for money transfers and developing trade corridors for the exchange of goods and services between the BRICS countries,” Qalibaf said.
With de-dollarization being at the top of the agenda, the BRICS Parliamentary Forum kicked off on Thursday. Addressing the two-day event, Qalibaf also reiterated the Islamic Republic’s support for a multilateral world system.
“The current world system has failed to take fruitful measures in the field of solving regional and international disputes, putting an end to wars, conflicts and inequalities,” he said.
Qalibaf noted that the Islamic Republic is keen to boost relations with BRICS member countries.
“Iran and its parliament understand that supporting and strengthening relations with BRICS member countries, including this grouping’s development, is of paramount importance to them,” he stressed.
Qalibaf also hailed the BRICS Parliamentary Forum as an opportunity to enhance cooperation between BRICS members to achieve common goals.
“The BRICS Parliamentary Forum is a very important instrument to develop international relations, influence this world, and establish a new world order that would be more open, transparent and would result in more effective cooperation between our countries.”
On the sideline of the international forum on Thursday, the Iranian parliament speaker had a meeting with Vladimir Putin, during which the Russian president highlighted his country’s willingness for promotion of mutual cooperation with
Putin called for further expansion of bilateral relations between Moscow and Tehran in various spheres.
The Russian president expressed satisfaction over Iran’s accession to the BRICS group of emerging economies, stating that his country had supported the Islamic Republic’s membership.
Iran officially became a member of the BRICS at the beginning of this year, five months after it announced its acceptance as full member into the group along with Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, the UAE and Saudi Arabia.
BRICS was formed by and initially consisted of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, which collectively represent around 40% of the global population and a quarter of the world’s gross domestic product (GDP).
Iran was among dozens of countries that sought membership in BRICS and had submitted a formal application to join the
Putin also hailed growing relations between Moscow and Tehran, stressing that their mutual cooperation will continue to develop under the upcoming Iranian administration led by president-elect Masoud Pezeshkian.
He also said that chairman of Russia’s State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin will head a delegation to Iran to take part in Pezeshkian’s swearing-in ceremony, which is set to take place on July 30.
Earlier, Qalibaf had a meeting with Volodin and two sides exchanged viewpoints on a host of issues regarding mutual ties as well as regional and international developments.
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