Iran tops Islamic countries in Leiden university rankings: ISC

Iran topped the list of Islamic countries in the latest global university rankings, according to a report by the Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC).
The Leiden Ranking for 2024 includes 46 Iranian universities, placing the country at the forefront of higher education in the Islamic world, IRNA wrote.
Ahmad Fazel-Zadeh, head of the ISC, announced that a total of 1,506 universities worldwide were included in the latest Leiden Ranking, with Iranian institutions maintaining their numbers from the previous year.
The top 10 Iranian universities in this global ranking are: University of Tehran, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran University of Science and Technology, Amirkabir University of Technology, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Sharif University of Technology, University of Tabriz, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, and Shiraz University.
Iranian universities have outperformed those in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt, which received the next highest rankings in the Islamic world.
The Leiden Ranking is a significant and complex evaluation system that assesses universities based on various scientometric indicators. It considers a wide range of factors, including scientific impact, scientific diplomacy, open access publications, and gender diversity. The ranking uses scientific publications from the WoS database and takes into account articles and review papers published between 2019 and 2022, with citations counted until the end of 2023.
Unlike other global ranking systems, Leiden does not assign a single overall rank to universities. Instead, it provides separate scores and ranks for each of its indicators, offering a comprehensive evaluation of institutions across multiple dimensions.
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