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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Ninety Nine - 08 July 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Ninety Nine - 08 July 2024 - Page 7

Raisi’s diplomacy spotlights interaction, dignity: Leader

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has praised prominent features of the outgoing administration of late President Ebrahim Raisi, underlining that the popular government favored diplomatic interaction and dignity in its foreign policy approach.
The Leader made the remarks during a meeting with members of the outgoing administration in the Iranian capital of Tehran on Sunday.
Ayatollah Khamenei said the 13th administration led by Raisi, who along with a number of his companions lost his life in a tragic helicopter crash in the northwest of the country on May 19, was the “government of work, hope and action” in both domestic and foreign sectors.
Stressing that the late chief executive was resolute in serving all walks of the nation and fighting off racketeering, the Leader said, “Among the prominent features of Raisi’s administration was its people-centricity, something which must be set as a role model for all authorities.”
Touching on the Raisi administration’s foreign policy, Ayatollah Khamenei said the 63-year politician was an outstanding figure in diplomatic interactions and brought honor to both Iran and the Iranian nation.
“Respecting interaction and dignity at the same time was one of the outstanding traits of Mr. Raisi,” the Leader said. “He believed in the principle of communication and was a person of interaction but from the position of honor.”
He espoused very firm beliefs in the potentials and capacities of Iranian experts and was blunt in expressing his religious and revolutionary positions as he never made any hazy comments, Ayatollah Khamenei said.
“Among the distinctive characteristics of Martyr Raisi was his diligence, and round-the-clock efforts,” the Leader noted, underlining that the late Iranian president never felt upset in the face of criticisms, and never fell into despair despite all the difficulties he encountered.
“Our dear Raisi looked up to the public and by being among the people, he would feel the realities and needs, and made solving the problems and meeting the needs of the masses of the people the cornerstone of his plans and actions,” he noted.
Raisi was hopeful and optimistic about the future, the Leader said, adding that the late president intended to reach his goals with the cooperation of his cabinet members.
Ayatollah Khamenei also hailed Raisi for supporting the public and giving paramount importance to their demands. “Martyr Raisi was extremely patient and forbearing. His characteristics can be utilized as a management model for the entire nation.”
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution also thanked the Iranian nation and state officials for holding a smooth presidential election.
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