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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Ninety Eight - 07 July 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Ninety Eight - 07 July 2024 - Page 7

Pezeshkian outshines Jalili, emerges victorious in runoff election

Iran’s veteran parliamentarian and Reformist candidate Masoud Pezeshkian emerged victorious in the country’s presidential runoff election on Friday and became the next chief executive after his predecessor, Ebrahim Raisi, who lost his life, along with foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and several others, in a tragic helicopter crash in northwest Iran on May 19.
According to the final vote count announced on Saturday morning, Iran’s election headquarters, which runs under the auspices of the country’s Interior Ministry, said Pezeshkian prevailed over his opponent, former nuclear negotiator and Conservative candidate Saeed Jalili.
Of the total 30,530,157 votes counted, Pezeshkian garnered 16,384,403 votes while Jalili trailed behind with 13,538,179 ballots, with a voter turnout standing at 49.8 percent. More than 61 million Iranians were eligible to vote in Friday’s election inside the country, in addition to around 10 million Iranians living abroad.

Leader hopes for
‘bright horizons’
In a message on Saturday, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei hailed the Iranian people for their “warm and passionate” turnout in the presidential election, praising as a “brilliant and unforgettable job” what they did in the face of boycott calls.
“This great move in confronting the manufactured furor of boycotting the elections, which the enemies of the Iranian nation had launched to induce despair and deadlock, is a brilliant and unforgettable job,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.
“All the honorable candidates and all those who worked day and night for weeks for the victory of each of them share in its honor and reward,” he added.
Now that the Iranian nation has elected its president, the Leader noted, I congratulate the nation and the president-elect and all those working in this sensitive juncture, especially the enthusiastic youths at the election headquarters of the candidates, and recommend everyone to cooperate and think for the progress and increasing honor of the country.
“I also recommend that the president-elect Dr. Pezeshkian look forward to long and bright horizons with trust in the beneficent God and continue the path of Martyr Raisi to make the best use of enormous capacities of the country, especially the young, revolutionary and faithful human resources, for the comfort of the people and the progress of the country.”

‘Hand of friendship’
In his first remarks since being declared winner of the runoff vote, Pezeshkian said on national television on Saturday that he will “extend the hand of friendship to everyone.”
“We will extend the hand of friendship to everyone; we are all people of this country; we should use everyone for the progress of the country,” Pezeshkian said.
Later, he took to X to thank the Iranian people for putting their trust in him, pledging not to let them down.  
“Dear people of Iran, the elections are over and this is just the beginning of our togetherness. The difficult path ahead will not be smooth except with your companionship, empathy and trust. I extend my hand to you and I swear on my honor that I will not leave you alone on this path. Don’t leave me alone.”

Jalili felicitates
In a message on Saturday, Jalili lauded Friday’s vote as a “serious completion in a safe and sound environment” and congratulated his former rival over his victory.
Jalili said the high turnout and transparent election once again showed the democratic nature of the Islamic Republic of Iran. “Now, it is time for all people in the country to assist the president-elect Pezeshkian to advance the country’s status on the international stage”.

Iranian Parliament speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf congratulated Pezeshkian on his election victory and expressed his full support to the 14th administration.
Qalibaf said in a message that the election was held in the best way in line with the Leader’s guidance and strategies, and enjoyed the participation of all political groups and tendencies.
The Parliament speaker congratulated Pezeshkian and praised him for placing a premium on internal unity and his vow to follow the policies of the Leader. He also emphasized that the Iranian legislature would cooperate and fully support the 14th Iranian government to help with the progress of the country.

congratulates victor
Iran’s Acting President Mohammad Mokhber extended his congratulations to Pezeshkian on winning Iran’s 14th presidential election.
Mokhber emphasized that the true winners of the national event are the Iranian people, who have once again demonstrated their determination, steadfastness, and hope throughout different stages of the Islamic Revolution.
As the competition concluded, Mokhber expressed hope for a new season of friendship in the country, aiming to build a stronger Iran.

Interior minister
hails turnout
Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi also thanked the people for their participation in the vote and congratulated Pezeshkian on the victory.
Vahidi touched on wrong analyses and efforts made to suggest that elections in Iran had no meaning, saying the results put the seal on the invalidity of such claims.

IRGC's suport
The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) expressed support for and pledged cooperation with the president-elect’s administration.
In a message on Saturday, IRGC Commander Major General Hossein Salami congratulated Pezeshkian on the presidential election victory, wishing him success in his tenure.
Paying tribute to the late Iranian president Raisi, the general expressed the IRGC’s full preparedness for cooperation and interaction with the next administration to fulfill the country’s needs within the framework of the grand policies outlined by the Leader. Major General Salami also expressed confidence that the mobilization of all capacities and opportunities will lead Iran to victory against the enemy’s economic war, stressing that reliance on the domestic capabilities and protection of the Islamic Establishment’s might in the international arena for the restoration of the Iranian nation’s rights will enable the country to shine globally.

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