Iran export of non-oil products to OIC states up 15%

The head of the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA) said the country’s export of non-oil products to the 56 member states of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (OIC) registered a 15% growth.
Mohammad Rezvanifar said Iran exported more than 21.5 million tons of products, valued at $8.6 billion, to the 56 member states of the OIC in the first three months of the current Iranian calendar year (March 20, 2023, to June 20, 2024), showing a 6 and 15 percent hike in volume and value respectively compared to the same period last year, IRNA reported.
In this period, Iran imported about 5.2 million tons of products, valued at $6.9 billion, registering a 20 and 7 percent growth in volume and value respectively compared to the same period last year, he added.
The total trade exchanges with the mentioned countries in the first three months of the current year reached 26.7 million tons, valued at $15.5 billion, registering an 8 and 11 percent hike in weight and value respectively, he went on to say.
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