Iranian men play twice as many video games as women

A new report by the Iran Computer and Video Games Foundation reveals that Iranian men play video games twice as much as women.
The study, based on a sample of 34 million people, shows that 12% of players are professional gamers, with men making up a significant portion.
The report provides detailed information on Iranian gamers, analyzing demographics, behavior, consumption, and geography. It examines game consumption patterns, preferred genres and characters, daily playtime, and spending, ILNA wrote.
The study identifies three categories of gamers based on weekly playtime: Casual gamers (1-5 hours), dedicated gamers (5-21 hours), and professional gamers (21+ hours). Casual gamers, who represent 45% of the total, engage in gaming for short periods under specific conditions. Dedicated gamers are the middle group, while professional gamers are highly engaged, leading in spending, online play, and daily gaming hours.
The report highlights daily gaming as a key indicator, with only 6% of professional gamers not playing daily. Preferences differ by gender: men favor sports games, while women prefer puzzle and strategy games.
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