Iran exports crude to 17 countries: Oil minister

Iran’s oil minister said the country is currently exporting crude oil to 17 countries, including some in Europe, and that the Iranian petroleum exports, concerning the preparations already made, will face no obstacles as to what administration assumes office in the United States.  
Speaking at a ceremony on Tuesday, Javad Owji stated that good investment has been made in the past three years in the oil industry, Tasnim News Agency reported.
Iran produced 2.2 million barrels of oil per day (bpd) at the outset of the administration of the late president Ebrahim Raisi (August 2021) but the current oil production is about 3.57 million bpd, showing a considerable hike, Owji underlined.
He went on to say that Iran’s oil exports rose from 182 million barrels in 2019 to 565 million barrels last year.
In addition, the value of the export of oil and gas condensates and other oil and petrochemical products rose from $10.8 billion in 2019 to $36 billion last year, registering a 3.5-fold growth, the oil minister added.
Iran, thanks to its strategic position and huge natural gas and oil resources, can play a major role in the sustainable energy supply in the region and the world, especially in view of the changing market dynamics.
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