Int’l handicrafts center to open in Isfahan

An international handicrafts center is planned to be established within the former Risbaf Factory in Isfahan to boost development, promotion, and applied research of handicrafts from various countries, announced Ali-Asghar Shalbafian, Iran’s deputy tourism minister.
Shalbafian stated that the center will host artisans from around the world, aiming to foster international collaboration and exchange in the handicrafts sector, ILNA wrote.
“The handicraft center will transform the historical Risbaf Factory into a hub for artisans from around the world,” said a local official speaking at a press conference on Monday. “This initiative aims to promote development, dissemination, and practical research in the field of handicrafts on an international scale.”
A memorandum of understanding between the UN Tourism and the Iranian Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts is in progress to facilitate the establishment process, according to Mehran Zeinalian.
This initiative, proposed by Iran, was reviewed and supported by the UNWTO Commission for East Asia and the Pacific & the UNWTO Commission for South Asia and highlighted by the organization’s secretary-general as a significant and innovative move by Iran.
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