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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Ninety Four - 02 July 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Ninety Four - 02 July 2024 - Page 7

US, European support emboldens Israel to continue crimes: Iran

Iranian Acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani on Monday said the Western support for Israel in international bodies paves the way for the regime to press ahead with its atrocities in the Gaza Strip.
Bagheri Kani was speaking at a ceremony that marked the national day of campaigning against chemical and microbiological weapons on the 37th anniversary of a chemical attack on the Iranian city of Sardasht by the Iraqi army under former dictator Saddam Hussein.
“European countries and the United States supplied Saddam with materials to make chemical bombs and sometimes provided chemical weapons during the war,” Bagheri Kani said referring to the Iraqi war against Iran in 1980s.
The top Iranian diplomat emphasized that Saddam’s despotic nature was not the only factor that led to the chemical attack on Sardasht.
He explained that the US incapacitated global mechanisms and thwarted any effort in the international organizations to prevent Saddam from conducting the attack.
Bagheri Kani emphasized that the US and its Western allies are now blocking Iran’s access to medicines required by victims of chemical attacks despite the Islamic Republic’s constant efforts over the past four decades to provide them with medical and therapeutic services.
“The same Western nations that backed the Baath regime in Iraq are now supporting the Zionist regime [of Israel] and set the stage for them in international mechanisms to continue their crimes,” he added.
The top diplomat appeared to be alluding to meetings of the UN Security Council in which the US and its certain European allies blocked resolutions that demanded an immediate cease-fire to let aid into the Gaza Strip.
The Israel’s ongoing war on the Palestinian enclave, that started on October 7, has killed nearly 38,000 Gazans, mostly civilians, and displaced more than two million people.
“Today, we are witnessing the same situation in Gaza. Chemical weapons and weapons of mass destruction (WMD) are condemned because they lead to the massacre of humanity,” Bagheri Kani said.
He described Western nations as “the main suspects and perpetrators” of crimes against humanity and genocide.
The minister called on “independent and freedom-seeking countries” not to allow Western powers to “justify their crimes” through the mechanisms they own.   
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