Iranian documentary ‘Homa’ awarded in France

Gelareh Abbasi’s documentary ‘Homa’ won the Best Director Documentary Short award at the World Film Festival in Cannes, announced Raft Films.
The film, which highlights the story of a blind addiction counselor and her marriage, has been praised internationally.
‘Homa,’ secured the award during its fifth international appearance. The monthly festival in Cannes showcases winning films, including 'Homa,' which will be screened in France soon.
The documentary depicts the life of Homa Homavandi, a confident woman working at a rehab center, whose challenges do not hinder her social engagement.
Before its Cannes success, ‘Homa’ received a Diploma of Honor at the FicFusa Festival in Colombia and a special award at the Accolade Global Film Competition in the US. It was also featured at the A Royal Chance Film Festival and the Melbourne Documentary Film Festival.
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