Afghanistan situation requires comprehensive talks: Iran

Iran’s special envoy to Afghanistan emphasized the need for comprehensive consultations with all parties to address the “complex and serious” situation in Afghanistan and the wider region.
Hassan Kazemi Qomi made the remarks in a post on X on Sunday, hours before a delegation from Iran left for Qatar to attend the third Doha summit on Afghanistan.
Expressing hope that the upcoming round of the United Nations-hosted meeting on Afghanistan will bring about security, stability and welfare for the Afghan people, the envoy underscored the importance of collective efforts to resolve the ongoing challenges, Press TV reported.
He added that the Iranian delegation would convey Tehran’s concerns about Afghanistan and explain the humanitarian policies of Iran regarding foreign nationals in the country to the officials of the United Nations and the countries participating in the meeting.
The Iranian diplomat further noted he hopes that the upcoming negotiations will lead to the reduction of the suffering of the people of Afghanistan and bring about peace, stability, security, sustainable development, and a government based on people’s will and without foreign interference and domination.
The third round of the UN-convened meeting of Special Envoys on Afghanistan is scheduled to be held on Sunday and Monday.
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