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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Ninety Three - 01 July 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Ninety Three - 01 July 2024 - Page 3

Varkaneh village, attractive for numerous tourists during spring and summer

Rural tourism is a highly sought-after travel experience for visitors looking to immerse themselves in traditional or historical settings and diverse indigenous cultures. Iran boasts numerous villages that attract tourists, with Varkaneh in Hamedan Province standing out as one of the most renowned.
Located near the Ekbatan Dam, Varkaneh village is a prominent tourist destination within the province. Nestled in the southern foothills of the Central Zagros Mountains, this region is renowned for its pristine natural beauty and mountainous climate. Varkaneh is one of Hamedan Province’s six designated tourist villages, recognized as a national heritage, and appreciated as a special tourism area in the country.
The residents of Varkaneh village are multilingual, speaking Turkish, Persian, and Kurdish languages. This village is famous for its local music, which is a central part of celebrations and weddings.
Varkaneh village has a rich history that spans over 400 years, with artifacts dating back to the Safavid period discovered there. The village’s original nucleus, developed around the village qanat, boasts a significant historical lineage tracing back to the early Safavid era.
The architecture of Varkaneh village is notable for its predominant use of stone as the primary building material. This preference for stone construction is attributed to the ample availability of the material in the region, its durability, resilience to weather changes, and the scarcity of bricks and clay in the vicinity. This tradition of employing local materials in construction is a common practice in Iranian architecture across various regions.
The seasonal flow of rivers, the steady flow of village qanat water, and its springs, particularly during spring and summer, infuse the village with a special freshness. These water sources, coupled with the walnut, apricot, grape, and apple orchards they nourish, lend a unique charm to the village and contribute to its delightful beauty. The surrounding mountains and the Khan and Jen valleys, especially during different seasons and notably in the lush greenery of spring, present stunning and captivating landscapes.
Varkaneh attracts numerous tourists and travelers, especially during the spring and summer seasons. The stone terraces of Takht-e Sang and Darikhan regions, alongside the walnut, apple, and almond orchards, are popular choices for family excursions for residents of Hamadan and other cities.

Historical sites and
cultural landmarks
The village boasts a number of captivating historical and religious attractions. These include a mosque nestled within the old fabric, the horse stable renowned for its unique stone architecture, and the impressive Mehri Khanom Castle. Furthermore, the distinctive stone architecture prevalent throughout the village is noteworthy.

Nomadic life
In the spring and summer months, Varkaneh village becomes a temporary home to nomadic tribes. These nomads uphold their age-old traditions by journeying through lush pastures, mountains, and numerous valleys, pitching their camps among the hills before eventually returning to the plains as the moderate season draws to a close. The nomads’ migration route, weaving through picturesque landscapes of their summer and winter quarters, has established the area surrounding this village as a prominent hub for observing nomadic movements.
Ideal time to explore
Nestled in the southern foothills of the central Zagros Mountains, Varkaneh village experiences a mountainous climate. For an optimal visit, you are recommend to explore Varkaneh during the warmer seasons, particularly in spring and summer. The colder weather in the latter part of the year may pose challenges for travelers. Nonetheless, autumn adorns Varkaneh with its enchanting hues, drawing many to revel in the village’s breathtaking vistas.

Accommodation options
As a burgeoning tourist spot, Varkaneh village offers comfortable lodging options to ensure visitors’ satisfaction. Apart from eco-lodges, some locals extend house rentals on a daily basis. Varkaneh village is well-equipped with welfare and tourism amenities. The influx of visitors notably rises during holidays and weekends. When exploring Varkaneh village, it’s essential to honor and respect the local culture. The villagers are known for their hospitality, yet it’s courteous to seek permission before entering private orchards. To support the local economy, consider purchasing products and handicrafts from Varkaneh village.

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