ELECOMP 2024 kicks off in Tehran

The 27th Iran International Electronic, Computer & E-Commerce Exhibition entitled “Iran ELECOMP 2024” was launched at the Tehran Permanent International Fairgrounds on Saturday in the presence of Iran’s Minister of Communications and Information Technology Issa Zarepour.
The exhibition, with the slogan of “All Together for Digital Economy”, will run from June 29 to July 2, 2024, as reported by Tasnim News Agency.
In the exhibition, startups, economic enterprises and companies active in the related field will showcase their latest achievements and products to help promote the country’s digital economy.
Taking advantage of the high capability and potential of the private sector more than before has been the focus of the 27th edition of the ELECOMP.
In addition, the exhibition will host representatives of foreign countries including Russia, South Korea, Germany, Taiwan, Syria, China, Pakistan and Turkey.
More than 500 startup companies and nine science and technology parks are taking part in this edition of the exhibition.
ELECOMP is regarded as the most significant commercial event in Iran’s electronics and computer products and services market.
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