Iran’s Internet bandwidth doubled in three years

Iran’s minister of communications and information technology (CIT) said the country’s Internet bandwidth has doubled since August 2021.
In a post on his X account, Issa Zarepour wrote that the country’s Internet bandwidth has reached 10.7 terabytes per second, Tasnim News Agency reported.
Good steps were taken during the administration of late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi who assumed office in August 2021 to increase the Internet bandwidth in the country from 5.4 to 10.7 terabytes per second, the minister said.
Zarepour also pointed to the number of G-4 and G-4.5 Internet websites which have witnessed more than 32 percent growth and added that the number of G-5 Internet websites has increased 200-fold while the penetration rate of mobile phones has risen significantly.
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