US troops exit necessary for Syria’s stability: Iran

Iran’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Amir Saeid Iravani said the full and unconditional exit of US troops from Syria is necessary for the Arab country’s stability, arguing that the forces continue to support terrorist groups instead of fighting terrorism.
“Full, immediate, and unconditional withdrawal of US forces from Syria is essential for the peace and stability of Syria,” Iravani said at a UN Security Council meeting on “The situation in the Middle East: (Syria)” in New York on Tuesday, Press TV reported.
“Instead of combatting terrorism, they continue supporting UN-designated terrorist groups such as Al-Nusrah Front (Hayat Tahrir al-Sham) as well as looting the oil and wealth of the Syrian people,” he added.
Iravani noted that Syrians continue to suffer from humanitarian crises, aggression, foreign occupation, and terrorism.
“Through unlawful occupation, inhumane sanctions, politicizing the return of refugees and IDPs, and preventing international support for Syria’s reconstruction, certain Western countries are responsible for the prolongation of the conflict as they attempt to impose their own will on the Syrian people,” the senior Iranian diplomat stated.
“Such attempts are unlawful and immoral and serve only to prolong the crisis and worsen the suffering endured by the Syrian people,” he added.
He went on to urge the international community not to leave the Syrian people alone in their struggle against terrorism, foreign occupation, and the economic terrorism caused by unlawful sanctions.
The US military has for long stationed its forces and equipment in northeastern Syria, with the Pentagon claiming that the deployment is aimed at preventing the oilfields in the area from falling into the hands of Daesh
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