Leader: Candidates should avoid making remarks that please enemies

Leader of Iran's Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei cautioned presidential candidates against making statements that could delight Iran’s enemies.
His remarks came after Iran held the third televised presidential debate on Friday night, during which six candidates vying for presidency outlined their plans on cultural and socio-economic issues.
“My advice is that these discussions that the candidates have together on TV or the statements they make either in public or individually in order to overcome the rival should not contain anything that makes our enemies happy,” the Leader said during a meeting country’s judicial officials on Saturday.
“The words that are uttered should not gratify the enemy of the country, the nation and the system. This is not permissible,” he said.
“The assumption is that all the candidates love Iran and the Islamic Republic, since they want to become president in this system and to serve the people. Therefore, they should not speak in such a way that pleases the enemy.”
Ayatollah Khamenei said the debates give people familiarity with the opinions of the candidates.
In their third debate, the candidates presented their blueprints on the country’s cultural and social issues. It followed the first held on Monday and the second staged on Thursday, which centered on economic and socio-economic issues respectively.

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