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Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Eighty Four - 19 June 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Eighty Four - 19 June 2024 - Page 7

‘Secret Democrat plot’ to swap out Biden before election: Report

President Biden’s second possible freezing episode in the last week has sparked renewed speculation that Democrats are secretly plotting to replace him on the ticket and shifted focus to his make or break first debate with Donald Trump later this month.
According to a Democratic strategist quoted by, only a quartet of influential figures – former president Barack Obama, former president Bill Clinton, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, possess the clout to force the 81-year-old president out, India Today reported.
However, Biden, noted for his tenacity and the most recognized leader of the Democratic Party, could dig in his heels and continue running in the run-up to the election, which could potentially exacerbate party discontent.
What is also complicating matters further is Biden’s “complicated” relationship with Obama. Biden is believed to harbor lingering resentment towards Obama, who endorsed Hillary Clinton over him in the 2016 primaries and reportedly discouraged his 2020 run, according to the report.
In late May, Obama briefly appeared at a White House state dinner for the Kenyan president and his wife Michelle was not present. According to a Democratic source, Michelle Obama, who harbors no close personal feelings for the Bidens, flatly refused to accept the invitation, the report claimed.
The Obamas have intentionally maintained a distance from the White House since Biden, the oldest US president, was elected in 2020, knowing that their public appearances would trigger a sense of nostalgia among the people when they once liked their nominees.
However, Obama was present at a recent Democratic fundraiser at the Peacock Theater in Los Angeles, along with Biden. The 81-year-old president, who has faced criticism over his advancing age and his decision to run for a second term, appeared to freeze up on stage.
At the event, Biden seemed to lock eyes with the crowd, standing still like a statue for about 10 seconds until Obama, still smiling and waving, swooped in, taking his hand and gracefully guiding him offstage. The incident came days after he appeared to wander away from other world leaders during the G7 Summit in Italy last week.
Meanwhile, in a strategic move, the Democratic Party has opted for an online nomination with a virtual roll call to formally select Biden as their nominee ahead of the DNC convention in Chicago in mid-August, the reported. This virtual framework could also facilitate a more controlled process should the party decide to pivot and nominate a replacement candidate.
If a swap was to be executed, the new nominee would likely be introduced and endorsed by high-ranking Democrats in a public event. Notably, Vice President Kamala Harris is reportedly not the preferred replacement, according to sources, adding another layer of complexity to the situation.
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