Iran, China to enhance environmental cooperation

Iran is ready to expand environmental cooperation with China under a 25-year comprehensive partnership agreement, according to Ali Salajegheh, head of Iran’s Department of Environment.
Salajegheh made the announcement on Monday while hosting a delegation from the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), led by its president, Wan Gang, IRNA wrote.
Salajegheh highlighted several areas for potential collaboration, including fighting dust storms, managing wastewater, protecting wildlife, addressing air pollution, droughts, and forest fires.
He noted that both Iran and China have significant experience and indigenous knowledge in dealing with these issues.
Wan Gang emphasized the historical ties between the two countries and expressed hope for enhanced cooperation in various fields, including environmental protection. He also mentioned the importance of continuing the agreements signed last year by the Chinese and Iranian presidents in agriculture and environmental sectors.
Salajegheh pointed out that dust storms are a major issue for both nations, with Iran having substantial experience in soil stabilization and dust storm mitigation.
He added that Iran has successfully promoted international cooperation to combat dust storms, leading to the United Nations designating July 12 as International Day of Combating Sand and Dust Storms.
Iran and China also aim to cooperate on wastewater and waste management, wildlife conservation, wetland restoration, and tackling air and industrial pollution.
In addition, Iran seeks to collaborate on marine development, a key strategy for sustainable growth.
This strategy includes sustainable exploitation of marine resources, expansion of maritime trade, and relocating water-intensive industries to southern coastal areas.
Salajegheh expressed optimism about advancing both research and practical cooperation in environmental protection with China, leveraging the 25-year agreement to address a wide range of environmental
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