Iran rebukes G7 statement over its nuclear program

Iran called upon the Group of Seven on Sunday to distance itself from “destructive policies of the past” after the group warned Iran against advancing its nuclear program.
“We urge Tehran to cease and reverse nuclear escalations, and stop the continuing uranium enrichment activities that have no credible civilian justifications,” the Group of Seven said in a statement on June 14.
“Iran must engage in serious dialogue and provide convincing assurances that its nuclear program is exclusively peaceful, in full cooperation and compliance with the IAEA’s monitoring and verification mechanism, including the Board of Governors’ resolution of 5 June,” the G7 said. The 35-member Board of Governors passed a resolution on June 5, accusing Iran of withholding sufficient cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
The resolution proposed by Britain, France and Germany demands that the Islamic Republic step up its cooperation with the IAEA and provide “technically credible explanations which satisfy the Agency’s questions.”
Kanaani said that Tehran would continue its “constructive interaction and technical cooperation” with the IAEA, but called its resolution “politically biased.” He said that the G7 statement’s reference to the anti-Iran resolution by the IAEA indicates the resolution’s political approach.
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